


Projected cost

Preferred option

Option 1: as is

Healthmatic continues to deliver contract

·         No changes to existing arrangements

·         Risk of service delivery not passed to BHCC

·         Less control over cleaning and maintenance

Direct public toilet cost

£0.754m (2020/21)

(The budget is £0.772m)


Plus £0.040m contract management cost


Option 2: delivered in-house

Cleaning and maintenance delivered directly by Cityclean

·         BHCC will be directly accountable for service provision

·         Support the ambition of carbon neutrality by 2030 through use of electric vehicles

·         No contract management / external performance issues

·         All expenditure would go directly towards service delivery and refurbishment

·         Ensure ethical employment practices through in-house recruitment / TUPE

·         BHCC will solely assume all risks and legal responsibilities

·         Future reputation damage if unavailable to deliver cleaning and maintenance requirements and/or refurbishment

·         Lose the benefit from knowledge and experience of specialist suppliers in the marketplace

·         Additional service provision for Cityclean at a time of change

·         Potential further budget pressures

£0.921m (model 1)

£0.875m (model 2; preferred option)


Option 3: retender contract

Place contract back out for tender for new supplier to manage public conveniences

·         Find another specialist provider in the market to clean and maintain public conveniences

·         Given the cost reductions gained from the 2017 retender, there is little scope for further savings from a new tender without further cuts to the number of staff and/or increase risk to the level of service provision

·         It will take about nine months to complete the procurement process

~£0.640m (EVH050/EH001)


Plus £0.040m contract management cost


Please note, annual costs would be dependent on bids provided by the marketplace
